Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jeff Macke and the not so informative rant....

Jeff Macke is a founder and president of Macke Asset Management (MAM). He has been a professional investor for the last 10 years and ran a successful hedge fund from 1999-2004. Macke contributes to CNBC's "Fast Money" and is also the West Coast editor and a contributor to financial web site

Like many others, I have watched Fast Money for a while and have come to the conclusion that all Jeff Macke does lately is spute out meaningless rants about companies and does not offer any constructive opinions regarding the direction of companies or thier equity. While sometimes amusing, he has just become a bore on the show. Pete the caveman Najarian as innocent and nice as he seems (especially when he is on the show wearing his tie and button down shirt and a pair of shorts) is just not used to his fullest because the show does not really highlight options trading, and pretty boy floyd (Tim Seymour) who loves the emerging markets every now and then has relevant information.

lately, I have been bored with this:

and have been fascinated by this:

Yes I am talking about Rebecca Diamond (Gomez) and not the lame ass Corey (I think his name is)
Wow look at that BAC price, guess the photo is a little old, lol.

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